
'Flexible' amendment to the Labour Code

Oblast pracovního práva je v posledních letech stále diskutovanějším právním odvětvím, což se odráží i na četnější novelizaci pracovněprávních předpisů. Z dílny Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí letos vyšla novela zákoníku práce, jejímž cílem je zvýšit flexibilitu pracovněprávních vztahů. Zejména se pak dotýká omezení administrativní zátěže, rozvoje digitalizace ve státní správě a tzv. work-life balance. V rámci veřejného diskurzu se proto pro tuto úpravu vžil pojem „flexinovela“.
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Novela zákona o přeměně obchodních korporací

Přeměna obchodní́ korporace označuje proces, při němž dochází k právnímu spojování nebo rozdělování obchodních korporací do jednoho nebo více právních nástupců. Pojem je užíván i pro změnu právní formy obchodní korporace, tj. pouhou změnu vnitřních poměrů existující obchodní korporace. Přeměny v praxi tak nachází řešení pro situace majetkového rázu, a to zejména u společností skupinového uspořádání.

Novela zákona o přeměnách obchodních společností a družstev v prvé řadě implementuje přijatou směrnici Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2019/2121 týkající se přeshranič

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Five new changes introduced in the new Building Act

As early as 1 January 2024, a new regulation was added to the collection of laws - Building Act No. 283/2021. Construction proceedings in the Czech Republic are considered to be unreasonably complex and long. But has the new Building Act really ’hit the nail on the head’ in its attempt to deal with this process? The new regulation is effective from 1 January 2024 for reserved types of construction (certain transport and industrial buildings). For ordinary structures (such as single family homes or apartment buildings), the law is effective from 1 July 2024.
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Basic overview of tax changes effective from 1 January 2024

With the beginning of 2024, there are many changes to the tax legislation. Although these changes will not be reflected in tax returns filed for 2023, it is undoubtedly a good idea to familiarize yourself with them in advance and consider your options for tax optimization during 2024. The aim of this text is therefore to present some of the key changes that we are likely to encounter in 2024.
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Intended regulation of lobbying in the Czech Republic

There is currently no legal regulation of lobbying in the Czech Republic, which is not an exception in the European context. According to the latest data, only about a quarter of European Union countries regulate lobbying at the statutory level. However, it should be pointed out that in the Czech Republic, lobbying is neither so-called self-regulated, for example, by associations of lobbyists or entities representing interest groups, nor, for example, is there a code of ethics for lobbying by Members of Parliament, which is far from common.
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Valid and effective changes in labour law

We already wrote about the planned changes in the labour law in June this year, but during the legislative process several important changes have been made that not only concern the content but also the effectiveness of the amended law. In fact, the Chamber of Deputies has stuck to its original proposal, which means that the expected postponement of the amendment's entry into force to 1 January 2024 will not take place. Most of the significant changes are therefore already effective from 1 October 2023.
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Bill on so-called class actions

The Act on Class Proceedings should enrich the Czech legal system with a new legal institution, which is generally called a class action. Although class actions are typical of Anglo-American legal systems, due to their indisputable advantages it was only a matter of time before they started to appear in continental legal systems as well.
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Whistleblower Protection Act comes into force in August 2023

At the end of June 2023, the Whistleblower Protection Act came into force, implementing the European Union Directive on the protection of whistleblowers into Czech law. It should be noted at the very beginning, that the Act expands the areas to which reported infringements may relate compared to the Directive.
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